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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1067

VMs migrated from vSphere are not being fully copied


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.6.1
    • 2.6.0
    • None
    • None
    • Critical

      When migrating a RHEL 9.3 VM with multiple disks attached from vCenter 8.0 to OCPV using MTV 2.6.0, I am finding that not all the disks are being copied over. The boot disk is properly copied over, and additional disks are created, however the additional disks are blank. 

      As an example, a RHEL 9.3 VM with 3 disks attached, is migrated, the resulting VM has three disks, however only disk1 has actual data in it, disks 2 and 3 exist, but appear to be zero filled. There are no errors in the migration plan, and the migration shows "successful"

      When reviewing the logs, it appears that the disks are copied over, and you can see in the logs that data is being copied, however when you check the resulting disk.img files they are empty. 

      You can re-create this by doing the following:

      1. Create a RHEL9.3 vm in vSphere
      2. ensure at least two disks are attached
      3. ensure that disk 1 and disk 2 are in separate volume groups
      4. create a logical volume on the second volume group
      5. format/mount the second logical volume, add to fstab and ensure it has some data
      6. Using MTV 2.6.0 cold migrate the vm to OCP-V
      7. Power on the OCP-V VM
      8. At this point the vm should end up in a recovery shell because it is unable to mount the second disk

      Once you have a VM in this state, check the second disk, you will find that it is all zeros/empty. pvs, vgs, lvs will all show that there is nothing on the disk.

      We found this bug during a customer PoC, and I have been able to recreate it with 100% success, as has at least one other person from my organization. A test was also conducted with 2.5.6 and this problem does NOT happen.

        1. vm-migration-log.txt.gz
          396 kB
        2. mxie-test-mtv1067.png
          71 kB
        3. disk-info-source-vm.png
          152 kB
        4. disk-info-copy-vm.png
          66 kB
        5. Completed-migration.png
          199 kB

              bkhizgiy Bella Khizgiyaev (Inactive)
              mdeneve@redhat.com Mark DeNeve
              6 Vote for this issue
              13 Start watching this issue
