Resolution: Done-Errata
MTA 7.0.0, MTA 7.1.0, MTA 7.0.2, MTA 7.0.1, MTA 7.0.3, MTA 7.0.4, MTA 7.1.1, MTA 7.1.2
Description of problem:
By convention, SVN repositories have three subdirectories under their root path: trunk, branches (could be branch in some cases) and tags (could be tag as well). Right now, when retrieving source code, addons are automatically adding /trunk or /branches/<target_branch> on the repo URL for Checkout depending on whether the Branches field of the application has a value or not, which makes it impossible to checkout anything under tags.
A solution for this could be to repurpose the Root Path field from the application entity for SVN repos, in a way that it is used to specify the path inside of the repo that needs to be checked out and overriding the concatenation of trunk or any branch that might be specified.
For example, as it works right now, if repository URL was https://svn.corp/my-repo and root path was /Application_1, the addons would checkout https://svn.corp/my-repo/trunk and then look for the /Application_1 subdirectory to execute their task against it.
The proposal would be that, if repository URL was https://svn.corp/my-repo and root path was /tags/v.2.4.5/Application_1, the addons would checkout https://svn.corp/my-repo/tags/v.2.4.5/Application_1 and the task would be executed on the root path of the directory that was checked out. This would enable the user to access tags or any non-conventional subdirectory under the root repository (such as branch or tag instead of branches and tags), and should be possible because SVN allows users to checkout any directory and not only root repositories like Git.
Of course, this would require a documentation update to reflect the specifics of the SVN use case.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
MTA 7.1.1
How reproducible:
- relates to
MTA-4264 [DOC] Tags are not accessible in SVN repositories
- Release Pending
- links to
RHBA-2024:139533 Migration Toolkit for Applications bug fix and enhancement update