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  1. ModeShape
  2. MODE-2277

Improve performance of isCheckedOut


      hchiorean writes (initially in MODE-2276):

      In writing some more tests and looking at performance data while adding nodes, I found another potential significant bottleneck not only for adding nodes but also for setting properties: AbstractJcrNode#isCheckedOut (called both from #addNode and #setProperty). This is especially visible when running a deep hierarchy of nodes, where this method will load the entire hierarchy of parents for a child node, no matter how deep.

      Is there any way we can optimize this (e.g. store some sort of boolean flag each time we check out a node, so that we can easily compute the checked out status of a path. Or looking at the node types for mix:versionable) ?

            hchiorean Horia Chiorean (Inactive)
            rhauch Randall Hauch (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
