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  1. ModeShape
  2. MODE-1652

Create new and more usable REST client


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 4.1.0.Final
    • 3.0.0.Alpha1
    • API, Server, Tools
    • None

      ModeShape's REST client was originally introduced quite some time ago, and we've added quite a bit more functionality to the REST API. In fact, we have a new version of the REST API that is even more functional and easier to use. We can't really change the REST client in a way that is backward compatible.

      Therefore, we need a new REST client that:

      • exposes the full functionality of the latest REST API, and is able to grow as new functionality is added to the REST API
      • will still work (albeit with downgraded functionality) when talking to a 2.x server
      • can expose metadata about the server that it's talking to (e.g., version, capabilities, etc.)
      • can fully replace the older REST client and its functionality, but should not implement the older REST client interfaces (e.g., it is not a drop-in replacement)
      • should be far easier to use (likely a connection-based, stateful design; also perhaps consider a fluent API)
      • can be used by the remote JDBC driver (replacing the existing REST client)
      • requires a minimal number of JARs

            oleg.kulikov Oleg Kulikov (Inactive)
            rhauch Randall Hauch (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
