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  1. Managed Service - API
  2. MGDAPI-4257

Creation of Wildcard Domain in 3scale


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 1.25.0
    • None
    • None
    • 5
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)
    • Yes
    • MGDAPI - Sprint 27, MGDAPI - Sprint 28

      We want to give the customer the ability to install RHOAM with a wildcard domain for 3scale portals.

      In the operator the routing subdomain needs to be updated to the value provided by the customer.

      The custom domain will be added by hive to the addon parameters secret. This value can only be set during install. The customer is required to create a CustomDomain CR. The CustomDomain CR is customer controlled.

      The 3scale reconcile loop needs to block if there is no CustomDomain found that matches the customer defined custom domain. Alerts should be created in 3scale before blocking the reconcile loop.

      As this will block the installation, failed installation alerts are sent to SRE-P. If the alerts around this feature are created before the blocking of the 3scale reconcile loop, the alerts can be sent to CS-SRE. There is two states when alerts need to fire.

      1. During installation and CustomDomain CR is not present
      2. After installation the CustomDoamin CR is changed or removed

      Add a developer guide to integreatly operator to setting up and using a custom domain for 3Scale.

      The first check in the 3Scale reconciler should be to do the validation check on the addon param against the custom domain cr.

      The alert should check for the existence of the custom domain cr and that it matches the custom domain value added by the customer in the ocm param.


      • unit tests for the function calls
      • e2e test case for the feature its self. As this feature requires a valid CustomDomain CR to be created by the customer the e2e need to be manual (for now).
        • Happy test
        • Test the CustomaDomain CR being removed from cluster and recreated.


      • RHMI CR routing subdomain configured from addon parameters secret
      • Alerts created to highlight to CS-SRE there is configuration errors
      • 3scale reconcile loop blocks if there is configuration errors
      • e2e tests are documented
      • unit tests are added
      • development guide added to repo explaining how to configure this feature for development use. Steps for configuring the cluster can be taken form here

              jfitzpat_rhmi Jim Fitzpatrick
              jfitzpat_rhmi Jim Fitzpatrick
              Tsvetoslav Dimov Tsvetoslav Dimov (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
