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  1. Managed Service - API
  2. MGDAPI-4217

H24 - products - Verify self-managed APIcast and custom policy


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.23.0
    • 1.23.0
    • Testing
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No
    • RC1

      Origin: tests/products/h24-verify-selfmanaged-apicast-and-custom-policy.md


      Note: This test case was automated and is executed automatically. However, the "custom policy" part is not yet automated so every third release comment out the cleanup, run the h24 test and then do only the pieces required for setting up the custom policy.

      This test case should prove that it is possible for customers to deploy self-managed APIcast and use custom policies on it. The 3scale QE team will perform this test case in RHOAM each time there is an upgrade of 3scale. We (RHOAM QE) should only perform this if there are modifications on our end that might break the functionality - typically changes in permissions in RHOAM and/or OSD.
      Additional context can be found in MGDAPI-370

      Note: in RHOAM v1.3.0 the guide on this was published so it is preferred to follow the official guide and only use the text below as a supportive material.

      The document includes the steps for manual test and instructions how to run the automation script.
      There are two automation options:

      • Automation test could be executed in Pipeline as part of IDP based tests - H24. Test file: integreatly-operator/test/common/selfmanaged_apicast.go
      • Automation test could run separately, by standalone script, in interactive mode and batch mode. Test directory: integreatly-operator/test/scripts/products/h24-verify-selfmanaged-apicast-and-custom-policy/
        Note. Automation tests do not include creation of custom policy
      • Automation Test in Pipeline
      • Standalon Automation script
      • Manual Test Steps


      Automation Test in Pipeline

      Selfmanaged Apicast Automation test will be integrated into Pipeline, and also could be executed as e2e single test.
      Test is a part of IDP based tests.

      • Test name: TestSelfmanagedApicast
      • Test location: integreatly-operator/test/common
      • Test file: selfmanaged_apicast.go
      • Test definition in integreatly-operator/test/common/tests.go:
      IDP_BASED_TESTS = []TestSuite{
                {Description: "H24 - Verify selfmanaged Apicast", Test: TestSelfmanagedApicast},

      Configuration parameters

      TestSelfmanagedApicast has following configuration parameters, that hardcoded as constants in selfmanaged_apicast.go

      const (
        apicastOperatorVersion       = "0.5.0"
        apicastImageStreamTag        = "3scale2.11.0"
        apicastNamespace             = "selfmanaged-apicast"
        adminPortalCredentialsSecret = "adminportal-credentials"
        namespacePrefix              = "redhat-rhoam-"
        defaultDedicatedAdminName    = "customer-admin"
        promotionAttempts            = 20
        accountOrgName               = "Developer"
        serviceSystemName            = "api"

      Run test as e2e single test

      This is sample how to run TestSelfmanagedApicast as single test:

      $ TEST=H24 INSTALLATION_TYPE=managed-api make test/e2e/single

      Expected result could be similar to following:

      time="2021-12-13T14:51:14+02:00" level=info msg="userKey found"
      time="2021-12-13T14:51:14+02:00" level=info msg="Install 3scale APIcast gateway Operator"
      time="2021-12-13T14:51:20+02:00" level=info msg="Create self-managed APIcast"
      time="2021-12-13T14:51:20+02:00" level=info msg="Create route for self-managed APIcast"
      time="2021-12-13T14:51:25+02:00" level=info msg="routeHost: selfmanaged-staging.apps.xxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org"
      time="2021-12-13T14:52:11+02:00" level=info msg="Response Code: 200"
      time="2021-12-13T14:52:11+02:00" level=info msg="Validation of Self-managed APIcast deployment - Succeeded"
      time="2021-12-13T14:52:11+02:00" level=info msg="Self-managed APIcast deployment - Completed"
      ok  ...

      Standalon Automation script

      Test location

      $ cd integreatly-operator/test/scripts/products/h24-verify-selfmanaged-apicast-and-custom-policy
      $ ls
      h24-verify-selfmanaged-apicast-and-custom-policy.go  test.sh

      Parameters for configuration and recommendations for test could be found in test.sh file and below:

      Automation Test Prerequisites

      • To be logged to Openshift cluster as admin (kubeadmin)

      Recommended have the following before running the script

      • Customer Token
        • To get customer token (example below is for user customer-admin01):
          • Login to OSD Portal as customer-admin01
          • at the top-right corner, under Customer Admin 01, select Copy login command ->
            Login with testing-idp> Sign-In as customer-admin01 user/password>Display Token
      • Open 3scale Admin Portal, to be ready to put updates. Details will be notified by script.
      • If re-executing the script, and if APIcast Configuration and Promotion in 3scale admin portal already done before, -
        have 3scale admin portal page opened or save user_key as appears in URL in Staging APIcast section.

      Configuration parameters:

      • use-customer-admin-user
        • true - use this option
        • false - this option could be used for script debugging, using current user, such as kubeadmin
      • promote-manually
        • false - to run script in batch mode. No interaction with user, and no any additional input from user required.
          The flow is similar to Test running in Pipeline.
        • true - the option could be useful for investigation. The option will require manual configuration -
          to use the self-managed APIcast instead of the built-in, and for promotion to Staging and Production.
          Following notes are provided by the script in runtime, and script is waiting for these manual operations completion.
         *This is the manual step - Configure the service to use the self-managed APIcast instead of the built-in APIcast for API.
          *a. Navigate to 3scale Admin Portal. You can use the following command to find route: *oc get routes --namespace redhat-rhoam-3scale | grep admin*
          *b. In the Products section, click API → Integration → Settings → APIcast Self Managed
          *c. Change the Staging Public Base URL. Replace api-3scale-apicast- with selfmanaged-
          *d. Click Update Product.
          *e. Click API → Configuration → Promote to Staging and Promote to Production
          *f. Copy user_key value (from Staging APIcast - Example curl for testing) to command prompt:

      -apicast-operator-version="0.5.0" \
      -apicast-image-stream-tag="3scale2.11.0" \
      -apicast-namespace="selfmanaged-apicast" \
      -namespace-prefix redhat-rhoam \

      Run the automation test script

      $ cd integreatly-operator/test/scripts/products/h24-verify-selfmanaged-apicast-and-custom-policy
      $ test.sh
      • If the script is working in interactive mode, two inputs will be required in command line in script runtime
        (while using following default parameters: promote-manually=true, create-testing-idp=false):
        • 1st input prompt:
          INFO[0009] Customer Login
          Enter Customer Admin user Token, and press Enter:

      Get token as described in Recommended have before... section,
      and put token to command prompt.

      • 2nd input prompt:
          e. Click API → Configuration → Promote to Staging and Promote to Production
          f. Copy user_key value (from Staging APIcast - Example curl for testing) to command prompt:

      Put user_key to command prompt. User-key will be taken from 3scale portal, as described in Information provided by the Script in runtime, and in [configuration parameters|#Configuration-parameters:] section

      • Wait for the test to finish. Ensure that it finished successfully, Response code 200, the end of the script output
        should look similar to following:
        INFO[0371] Create route for self-managed APIcast
        INFO[0372] routeHost: selfmanaged-staging.apps....
        INFO[0432] HTTP Request: https://selfmanaged-staging.....
        INFO[0432] Response Code: 200
        INFO[0432] Response Body: {
        "method": "GET",
        "HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID": "....",
        INFO[0432] Validation of Self-managed APIcast API gateway Deployment - Succeeded
        INFO[0432] Self-managed APIcast API gateway - Deployment script Completed
      • If the script is running in batch mode, -interactive-mode=false, - no input required during script execution.
      • Expected result will be similar to following:
      $ ./test.sh
      project.project.openshift.io "selfmanaged-apicast" deleted
      INFO[0026] Get 3scale admin Token
      INFO[0026] Customer Login
      Login successful.
        tagged from registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/apicast-gateway-rhel8:3scale2.11.0
      Image Name:    apicast-gateway-rhel8:3scale2.11.0
      INFO[0031] Get 3scale admin Portal
      INFO[0031] Route: zync-3scale-provider-ndjgh
      INFO[0031] 3scale Admin portal: 3scale-admin.apps.xxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org
      INFO[0031] Create adminportal-credentials secret
      INFO[0032] Delete api-3scale-apicast- routes in redhat-rhoam-3scale namespace
      INFO[0032] sendGetRequest, url: https://3scale-admin.apps.xxxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org/admin/api/services.xml
      INFO[0032] Service ID found: 2
      INFO[0032] Service Update URL: https://3scale-admin.apps.xxxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org/admin/api/services/2.xml
      INFO[0038] sendGetRequest, url: https://3scale-admin.apps.xxxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org/admin/api/accounts.xml
      INFO[0038] Account ID found: 3
      INFO[0038] sendGetRequest, url: https://3scale-admin.apps.xxxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org/admin/api/accounts/3/applications.xml
      INFO[0039] userKey found
      INFO[0039] Install 3scale APIcast gateway Operator
      INFO[0044] Create self-managed APIcast
      INFO[0044] Create route for self-managed APIcast
      INFO[0049] routeHost: selfmanaged-staging.apps.xxxx.3bjq.s1.devshift.org
      Expected status 200 but got 503
      Expected status 200 but got 503
      INFO[0080] Response Code: 200
      INFO[0080] Validation of Self-managed APIcast deployment - Succeeded
      INFO[0080] Self-managed APIcast deployment - Completed

      Manual Test Steps

      Unofficial - follow the official guide!

      1. This test case must be done using customer-admin user (or any other user from dedicated-admins group). Do not use kubeadmin!

      2. Create a new namespace (e.g. selfmanaged-apicast) for self-managed APIcast

      • oc new-project selfmanaged-apicast
      • be sure to use this project for the oc commands
      • if you use different namespace, you will need to change a few commands below accordingly

      3. Import the image

      • oc import-image 3scale-amp2/apicast-gateway-rhel8:<tag> --from=registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/apicast-gateway-rhel8:<tag> --confirm
      • go to catalog, find the image and see the available tags
      • typical tag name is 3scale<version>, use the one that corresponds with the 3scale version installed on the cluster
      • note the tag for later use (in step 7)
      • if experiencing authorization error, follow step 4. and 5. Proceed with step 6. otherwise.

      4. (Skip if Step3 is ok) Create a secret with credentials to registry.redhat.io

      • oc create secret docker-registry redhatio --docker-server=registry.redhat.io --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<email>

      5. (Skip if Step3 is ok) Configure the pull secret

      • oc secrets link default redhatio --for=pull

      6. Clone the Example custom policy

      • git clone git@github.com:3scale/apicast-example-policy.git
      • cd apicast-example-policy

      7. Edit the openshift.yaml

      • use the appropriate <tag> and potentially change the selfmanaged-apicast if you use different namespace


            type: Source
                kind: ImageStreamTag
                name: 'amp-apicast:${AMP_RELEASE}'


            type: Source
                kind: ImageStreamTag
                namespace: selfmanaged-apicast
                name: apicast-gateway-rhel8:<tag>


          nodeSelector: null
              kind: ImageStreamTag
              name: 'amp-apicast:latest'


          nodeSelector: null
              kind: ImageStreamTag
              namespace: selfmanaged-apicast
              name: apicast-gateway-rhel8:<tag>


                kind: ImageStreamTag
                name: 'amp-apicast:${AMP_RELEASE}'


                kind: ImageStreamTag
                namespace: selfmanaged-apicast
                name: apicast-gateway-rhel8:<tag>

      8. Create a new app

      • oc new-app -f openshift.yml --param AMP_RELEASE=2.8
      • param value does not matter at this point but needs to be used since it is required parameter
      • you can change make the parameter optional in openshift.yaml so you don't need to specify it at all

      9. Start custom policy builds

      • oc start-build apicast-example-policy
      • Give some time between builds
      • oc start-build apicast-custom-policies

      10. Get the 3scale Admin Portal token

      • navigate to the 3scale Admin Portal (web console) route can be got with oc get routes --namespace redhat-rhoam-3scale | grep admin
      • log in as customer-admin
      • navigate to Account Settings/Personal/Tokens/Add Access Token
      • create an access token (full read and write access)

      11. Create an adminportal-credentials secret

      • oc create secret generic adminportal-credentials --from-literal=AdminPortalURL=https://<access-token>@<url-to-3scale-admin-portal>
      • example: oc create secret generic prod-sm-apicast --from-literal=AdminPortalURL=https://a926aaa5bb0ed9e89fd3a8c92bce7aefd5dc63748212db318eb968222fc45c7b@3scale-admin.apps.multiaz-24-trep.b5s6.s1.devshift.org

      12. Use self-managed APIcast instead of the builded one for API (echo service)

      • navigate to 3scale Admin Portal (web console) route can be got with oc get routes --namespace redhat-rhoam-3scale | grep admin
      • In API's\Products on the Dashboard screen go to
      • API -> Integration -> Settings -> tick APIcast Self Managed radio-box
        • change "Staging Public Base URL" so that it is slightly different at the beginning, e.g. replace api-3scale-apicast- with selfmanaged-
        • Then use the Update Product button
      • API -> Configuration -> Use the Promote to Staging and Promote to Production buttons

      13. Install "Red Hat Integration - 3scale APIcast gateway" operator via Operator Hub in OSD web console for the namespace

      • do not use community version!
      • Accept the defaults and install in the selfmanaged-apicast namespac

      14. Create a self-managed APIcast

      • navigate to Operators\Installed Operators in osd
      • Select Red Hat Integration - 3scale APIcast gateway
      • Select the APIcast tab
      • Use the Create APIcast button
      • use Form view
      • change "Admin Portal Credentials Ref" secret name to adminportal-credentials
      • set "Image" to image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/selfmanaged-apicast/apicast-policy:example (this also depends on the namespace name used)
      • set "Configuration Load Mode" to boot
      • Then use the Create button

      15. Create a route for the self-managed APIcast

      • navigate to the namespace of self managed apicast in OSD web console
      • Networking -> Routes -> Create Route
        • name: whatever
        • hostname: must match the Staging Public Base URL (without protocol, without port)
        • service: select service of your apicast
        • target port: 8080 -> 8080
        • tick secure route, TLS termination: Edge
        • Then use the Create button

      16. Verify your work

      • navigate to 3scale Admin Portal -> API -> Configuration
      • execute the curl for staging APIcast
      • You should see exactly what you get when you do curl https://echo-api.3scale.net directly

      17. Make custom-policy available in 3scale Admin Portal

      • go back to apicast-example-policy GitHub repo
      • cat policies/example/0.1/apicast-policy.json - note the output
      • navigate to 3scale Admin Portal
      • ? (Help) -> 3scale API docs -> APIcast Policy Registry Create
        • use customer-admin access token, i.e. the one generated in step 11.
        • name -> use name from apicast-policy.json
        • version -> use the version from apicast-policy.json
        • schema -> paste the apicast-policy.json content there
      • press "Send Request" button
      • navigate to 3scale Admin Portal -> API -> Integration -> Policies -> Add Policy
        • "APIcast Example Policy" should be in the list

      General guidelines for testing


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