Resolution: Obsolete
Origin: tests/performance/k04-run-performance-test-against-rhoam-3scale-user-sso.md
Run performance tests against 3scale + user SSO to validate the advertised load. Time estimation does not include the cluster provisioning.
- oc CLI v4.3
- ocm CLI installed locally
- jq v1.6 installed locally
- Python environment (python 3.x, pip, pipenv)
- RHOAM cluster ready
- all the alerts should be green
- all the automated tests should pass
- Login via oc as a user with cluster-admin role (kubeadmin):
oc login --token=<TOKEN> --server=https://api.<CLUSTER_NAME>.s1.devshift.org:6443
- Make sure nobody is using the cluster for performing the test case so that performance test results are not affected by any unrelated workload.
- Create customer-like application using customer-admin01 (or other user from dedicated-admin group)
oc new-project httpbin oc new-app jsmadis/httpbin
- In terminal window #2, run the alerts-during-perf-testing script to capture alerts pending/firing during performance test run.
- Configure rate limiting to allow for enough requests per minute.
- go to redhat-rhmi-operator namespace
- see the sku-limits-managed-api-service Config Map
- edit the value of requests_per_unit
- wait for redeploy of ratelimit pods in redhat-rhmi-marin3r namespace
- should be done automatically in a few minutes
Note: This not possible for installations via addon-flow since Hive would revert your modifications to whatever
is set in Managed Tenants repository in sku-limits.yaml.j2 file.
- In terminal window #2, run the following script for alert watching
- Run the performance test suite
The way to do it is described in MGDAPI-238 and in Austin's doc. Use trepel fork. To validate the advertised load use rhsso_tokens benchmark. It is set to have 10% of login flow requests. You will need to change maxSessions (~6000), usersPerSec (~25 to validate 20M load), duration, maxDuration, and http.sharedConnections (~1200).
- create a perf-test-start-time.txt file as described in capture_resource_metrics script.
- the actual performance test run doesn't start immediately, the performance test suite creates various 3scale (Product, Backend, Application, Application Plan) and SSO (realm, client, users) entities first
- best to track the log of Hyperfoil controller to get the exact time the when the rampUp phase starts
- create the file in the directory where the script resides
- Create a perf-test-end-time.txt for capture_resource_metrics script
- create the file in the directory where the script resides
- to get the exact time track the Hyperfoil controller log
- Collect the data about the performance test run
- from alerts-during-perf-testing
- from Hyperfoil
- install Hyperfoil locally
- bin/cli.sh
- connect <hyperfoil-url-without-protocol> -p <port-8090-is-default>
- runs # to see all the runs
- status <your-run-name>
- stats <your-run-name>
- export -f json -d . <your-run-name> # to export the data
- use report tool to generate the HTML out of the exported data
- review alerts based on the outcome of the script for alert watching
- there should be no firings for 20M benchmark
- eye review of various Grafana Dashboards, see this guide on how to do it
- use capture_resource_metrics script to get the data
- add a new column about the run to the Load Testing spreadsheet
- fill in the first few rows with all the relevant information about the benchmark used
- rest of the rows should be filled in based on the capture_resource_metrics script
- add any additional info (e.g. links to Hyperfoil report, Grafana Dashboard snapshots etc)
- Analyse the results
- compare with the previous runs
- Attach the spreadsheet to the JIRA ticket
- store the Hyperfoil report in Google Drive
- store the Grafana Dashboard snapshot(s) there too if needed
General guidelines for testing
- blocks
MGDAPI-4211 H23 - [DESTRUCTIVE] - products - Validate rate limit service with default customer config
- Closed
- is blocked by
MGDAPI-4213 C05B - alerts - Verify alerts are exposed and no critical alerts have fired
- Closed
MGDAPI-4214 A17B - installation - Verify the Go functional tests were successful
- Closed
MGDAPI-4215 A36 - installation - RHOAM operator log should not contain errors and irrelevant warnings
- Closed
MGDAPI-4216 H21B - products - Verify all products using the workload-web-app
- Closed
MGDAPI-4217 H24 - products - Verify self-managed APIcast and custom policy
- Closed
MGDAPI-4218 H27 - products - Verify that user with uppercase letters can be created in 3scale
- Closed
- mentioned on