Resolution: Done
Pin and pre-load images
Not Selected
To Do
OCPSTRAT-763 - [TechPreview]Disconnected Cluster Update and Boot without local image registry - phase 1
OCPSTRAT-763[TechPreview]Disconnected Cluster Update and Boot without local image registry - phase 1
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Given enhancement - https://github.com/openshift/enhancements/pull/1481
Design Review Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-XuHN6_jvJMLULFwwAThfIcHqY32s32lU6m4bx7BiBE/edit
We want to allow the relevant APIs to pin images and make sure those don't get garbage collected.
Here is a summary of what will be required:
- CRI-O will need to be changed so that it doesn't remove pinned images, regardless of the version_file_persist setting.
- Add the new PinnedImageSet custom resource definition to the API.
- Initial proposal: #1609
- Add a new PinnedIMageSetController to the machine-config-controller.
- Add the logic to pin and pull the images to the machine-config-daemon.
- Update the documentation of recovery procedures to explain that pinned images shouldn't be removed.
- blocks
OCPBUGS-33489 The PinnedImageSet controller can panic on techpreview clusters
- Closed
- is cloned by
MCO-1258 [GA] Pin and pre-load images
- In Progress
- is related to
OCPBUGS-32745 2 minutes time out degrades machineconfignode resources when pinning release images
OCPBUGS-33350 Pinned images are not removed from cache on reload
- Verified
OCPBUGS-33046 When we scale up new nodes, the PinnedImageSets status in the MCPs takes very long to be updated
- Verified
OCPBUGS-32679 " no auth found" error when pinning release images
- Verified
OCPBUGS-32583 pinned images fail when using ImageDigestMirrorSets
- Closed
- links to