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  1. Maistra
  2. MAISTRA-1336

When updating SMCP Control Plane Security from a UI switch , the UI is not consistent with the status of SMCP yaml


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • maistra-1.1.0
    • None

      When updating SMCP Control Plane Security from a UI switch , the UI is not consistent with the status of SMCP yaml.

      When we flip the switch "Control Plane Security" in a page of SMCP UI Overview (See screen shot in attachment), we click "Confirm change" and the UI shows ... running.

      When the SMCP security is enabled after above UI step, we check the SMCP status and Yaml are correct. But when we refresh the SMCP UI Overview page, we see the switch "Control Plane Security" is in False.

      Build info:
      OCP 4.3.9 AWS and OCP4.4.0-rc.6
      OSSM: 1.1.0

      Expected behaviour:
      The UI switch "Control Plane Security" should be consistent with the status of SMCP after a user flip and confirm the change from UI.

            kconner@redhat.com Kevin Conner (Inactive)
            yuaxu@redhat.com Yuanlin Xu
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
