Resolution: Done
Logging 6.0.0, Logging 5.9.z
Bug Fix
Log Collection - Sprint 257, Log Collection - Sprint 258
Description of problem:
Must-gather errors out when running on a cluster using non amd64 architectures.
$ oc adm must-gather --image=$(oc -n openshift-logging get deployment.apps/cluster-logging-operator -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name == "cluster-logging-operator")].image}') ..... [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.415173284Z must-gather logs are located at: '/must-gather/gather-debug.log' [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.420015986Z /usr/bin/gather: line 34: /usr/bin/oc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.421624647Z Adding namespace '' to cluster_resources list [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.438464449Z /usr/bin/gather: line 34: /usr/bin/oc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.440682672Z Adding namespace '' to cluster_resources list [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.905463696Z /usr/bin/gather: line 103: /usr/bin/oc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.909461547Z /usr/bin/gather: line 116: /usr/bin/oc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.910709431Z /usr/bin/gather: line 117: /usr/bin/oc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [must-gather-rlpqw] POD 2024-08-08T10:08:59.913726794Z Waiting on subprocesses to finish execution. .....
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Logging 6.0, Logging 5.9 and lower versions possibly. Have not checked on version < 5.9
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Deploy CLO on a non-amd64 cluster
- Run must-gather command
- Check for Exec format error
Actual results:
must-gather should complete successfully.
Expected results:
must-gather errors out with binary issue.
Additional info:
- is cloned by
LOG-5997 [release-5.9] Logging must-gather errors out when running on a non-amd64 arch cluster
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:137361 Logging for Red Hat OpenShift - 6.0.0
- mentioned on