Resolution: Done
As an OpenShift Administrator I want that pending and firing alerts resulting from the evaluation of LokiStack AlertingRule custom resoure are displayed in the observe/alerts view, so that I can inspect which infrastructure and audit workloads have an issue.
Acceptance Criteria
- All LokiStack Alerting rules in state pending are listed under the administrator view observe > Alerts.
- All LokiStack Alerting rules in state firing are listed under the administrator view observe > Alerts.
Developer Notes
- Explore how the data flow path used by the console tag observe > Alerts to list pending/firing alerts.
- Collect required labels and annotations for LokiStack alerts to be eliglible to show up in the Observe > Alerts view.
- Collect required extensions/patches for the cluster-monitoring stack to filter and list alerts pushed by the LokiStack ruler into the cluster-monitoring alertmanager.
- Describe if needed enhancements in a form of a public openshift proposal for the cluster-monitoring stack to enable logs-based alerts (Reminder: source proposal
- split to
LOG-3099 [logging-view-plugin] Provide a Loki rules datasource for the console application
- Closed
LOG-3100 [admin-monitoring] Incorporate logging-view-plugin rules datasource for Loki Alerts
- Closed
LOG-3101 [dev-console-monitoring] Incorporate logging-view-plugin rules datasource for Loki Alerts
- Closed
LOG-3103 [upstream] Add support for multiple alertmanager client configurations
- Closed