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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-2155

Filter log messages based on metadata and content.


    • Content-based filtering
    • False
    • False
    • Green
    • NEW
    • Administer, API
    • To Do
    • OBSDA-228 - Log filtering and collecting
    • OBSDA-228Log filtering and collecting
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • Hide
      This enhancement introduces the capability to: further refine which logs are collected based upon a work load's metadata and to drop or prune logs based upon their content. Additionally, the collection of infrastructure (e.g. journal, container) and audit (e.g. kube api, ovn) logs can be refined to only collect individual sources.
      This enhancement introduces the capability to: further refine which logs are collected based upon a work load's metadata and to drop or prune logs based upon their content. Additionally, the collection of infrastructure (e.g. journal, container) and audit (e.g. kube api, ovn) logs can be refined to only collect individual sources.
    • Release Note Not Required


      • Extend the forwarder input selector API to exclude log messages by message content and metadata, for example:
        • Exclude logs from namespaces, pods or containers that match a name glob.
        • Include or exclude logs fromĀ  pods with a particular set of labels.
      • Add filters to modify events based on message content:
        • Ignore DEBUG level messages.
        • Forward only CRITICAL level messages.
        • Forward only logs with message matching a regular-expression.

      It should be possible to combine content filtering with all existing message filtering/routing mechanisms, such as by namespace, k8s labels etc.

      NOTE: some types of message "content" can be filtered more efficiently because they are constant for a given log file, and can be filtered by simply excluding that file from collection, for example:

      • Namespace name, pod name, container name.
      • Namespace or pod ID
      • Pod labels

      The implementation should eliminate log streams rather than analyze the content whenever possible - filters using metadata that is looked up once by the collector when it starts reading a stream can be used to eliminate the stream.


      • No transformation of log records, only filtering based on content.


      • Users need to route logs differently based onĀ  their content.


      • Filter in some external service provided by the user, not supported by us

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Tests to verify types of filtering as described by each of the stories in this epic.

      Risk and Assumptions

      Possible risks:

      • CPU, memory cost at the collector.
      • Negative performance (throughput, latency) on collector for filtering on message content.

      Documentation Considerations

      See stories.

      Open Questions

      This epic could be split in two: static filters that eliminate a stream vs. filters that require matching the messages. Even if it is, we need a consistent API for both types of filter.

      Additional Notes


            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
            rhn-engineering-aconway Alan Conway
            Qiaoling Tang Qiaoling Tang
            21 Vote for this issue
            47 Start watching this issue
