Feature Request
Resolution: Duplicate
Knative/Kubernetes resources such as KN Service, Service, Ingress, Deployment, Pods, and so on (see: https://github.com/knative/specs/blob/main/specs/eventing/overview.md#addressable) can be called by a regular HTTP POST request.
This means that SW could support this feature out of the box, not needing an OpenAPI interface to do so.
Image this example:
{ "id": "myworkflow", "specVersion": "0.8", "version": "1.0", "start": "State1", "functions": [ { "name": "function1", "type": "custom", "operation": "kubernetes:serving.knative.dev/v1/mynamespace/myservice", "metadata": { "path": "/my_path" } } ], "states": [ { "name": "State1", "type": "operation", "actions": [ { "functionRef": { "refName": "function1", "arguments": { "data": "${ .data }" } } } ], "end": true } ] }
The engine would make POST requests to these endpoints with the given payload manipulated by the workflow. For example:
kubernetes:serving.knative.dev/v1/mynamespace/myservice -> the explicitly kubernetes resource at mynamespace
This will make the integration with the platform way easier and enhance the dev experience.
This feature can be done based on https://issues.redhat.com/browse/KOGITO-7373.
- depends on
KOGITO-7373 [SW] Add custom function knative
- Resolved
KOGITO-9158 Use RestWorkItemHandler as HTTP client in Knative custom function
- Resolved
- duplicates
KOGITO-9887 [Operator] Service Discovery for Kubernetes objects
- Resolved
- is depended on by
KOGITO-8449 [SW] Add support to Cloud Events to Kubernetes custom function
- Closed
KOGITO-8451 [Operator] Add support for OpenShift Functions
- Closed