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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-777

Include SCESIM editor in Kogito Tools


    • 1
    • 2020 Week 07-09 (from Feb 10), 2020 Week 10-12 (from Mar 2), 2020 Week 13-15 (from Mar 23), 2020 Week 16-18 (from Apr 13), 2020 Week 19-21 (from May 4)

      Add scenario simulation editor inside kogito-tooling

      1. clone https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-tooling
      2. create WAR of runtime webapp
      3. copy *content* of the war (excluding the WEB-INF folder) inside kogito-tooling/packages/kie-bc-editors unpacked/scesim
      4. update kogito-tooling/packages/kie-bc-editors/src/GwtEditorRoutes.ts
        1. export const editors
        2. getRoutes - create scesimLanguageData
        3. return new Map<string, GwtLanguageData> - add scesim
      5. edit kogito-tooling/packages/vscode-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors/src/extension/extension.ts - inside new GwtEditorRoutes add path to scesim
      6. edit kogito-tooling/packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors/src/github-content-script.ts and add scesimPath
      7. edit kogito-tooling/packages/online-editor/src/App.tsx and add scesimPath

      See also https://medium.com/kie-foundation/building-your-own-custom-editors-with-kogito-tooling-npm-packages-c33caed6c668 for further info/help

              yamer@redhat.com Yeser Amer
              gcardosi Gabriele Cardosi (Inactive)
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
