Feature Request
Resolution: Done
2019 Week 41-43 (from Okt 7), 2019 Week 47-49 (from Nov 18), 2019 Week 50-52 (from Dec 9), 2020 Week 01-03 (from Dec 30), 2020 Week 04-06 (from Jan 20), 2020 Week 07-09 (from Feb 10), 2020 Week 10-12 (from Mar 2), 2020 Week 13-15 (from Mar 23)
Scope of this PR is to create a Kogito/client-side only versions of scesim editor.
From an architectural point of view, the actual implementation has been moved (in the past) inside a common module: `drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-client`.
Access to it has been "hided" behind a wrapper interface with three actual implementations:
- `drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-businesscentral-client` for BusinessCentral environment
- `drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-kogito-testing` to provide a development/debugging setup for the Kogito/client-side only environment
- `drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-kogito-runtime` that should be the one deployed in actual client-side only containers (e.g. VSCode).
As agreed upon in the last summer (https://issues.redhat.com/browse/AF-2041), the kogito editors should depend upon a common library, `org.kie.workbench:kie-wb-common-kogito-webapp-base` to put all the code/maven configuration shared by the different editors in one single place.
Currently, only the two kogito-related scesim modules fulfill that requirement; all other editors, starting from DMN, should be adapted to this approach.
Kogito-testing module is a standalone showcase that provides some minimum interaction to:
- load DMN files
- create DMN-related scesim assets, selecting one of the imported DMN.
Currently - RULE/data object model scesim is disabled.
Kogito-runtime module is the version that should run purely client side. It does not provide any graphical widget to load/create/save asset.
Some minimal tests may be done in the following way:
- full compilation (i.e. included GWT compilation) of the runtime module
- open the `drools-wb/drools-wb-screens/drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor/drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-kogito-runtime/target/drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-kogito-runtime/index.html` file inside Chrome
- inside the Chrome dev console, issue the command `window.gwtEditorBeans.get("ScenarioSimulationEditorKogitoRuntimeScreen").get().setContent("")`; this will show the "New Scesim" popup, where user may choose to create a DMN or RULE scesim; of course, inside Chrome it is not possible to have a reference to other resources, so only "Rule" will work; at the same time, no Data model is available inside Chrome, so the right panel will be empty and the only expected result is an empty grid.
- edit the asset
- invoke window.gwtEditorBeans.get("ScenarioSimulationEditorKogitoRuntimeScreen").get().getContent() and store the returned xml
- invoke window.gwtEditorBeans.get("ScenarioSimulationEditorKogitoRuntimeScreen").get().setContent method with the stored xml
Some tricks: to avoid CORS and other policy-related issues:
- set chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost for invalid certificates error
- start chrome from cli with the command `chrome --allow-file-access-from-files` to allow loading from file.
The "run scenario" functionality won't be implemented by this PR.
All the functionalities related to file system/resource access will be simulated in the testing modules (but only for the DMN models), and for the runtime module will depend on the API/environment provided by VSCode
- blocks
KOGITO-777 Include SCESIM editor in Kogito Tools
- Closed
- is blocked by
KOGITO-844 Remove backend dependencies from kie-wb-common-kogito-webapp-base
- Resolved
KOGITO-667 Implement "PerspectiveConfiguration" and "DMNVFSService" inside kie-wb-common-kogito-webapp-base
- Closed
KOGITO-670 Clean up dmn marshaller from stunner dependencies
- Closed
DROOLS-4141 Split scesim client module in core and business central modules
- Closed