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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-7738

Test Sandbox for Serverless Workflow and Dashbuilder


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • ---
    • ---
    • 2022 Week 32-34 (from Aug 8), 2022 Week 35-37 (from Aug 29), 2022 Week 38-40 (from Sept 19)

      Basic testing was done during the PR review. This task is about thorough testing of Sandbox for Serverless Workflow and Dashbuilder and reporting found problems.

      PR with SWF Sanbox .

      What needs to be tested:

      • Sample showcases - select sample and check they are correctly displayed
        • SWF
        • Dashbuilder
      • Recent models
        • Reopening
        • Deleting
        • Workspaces
      • Create
        • Serverless Workflow JSON/YAML
        • Serverless Decision JSON/YAML
        • Dashboard
      • Import
        • From URL
          • Github repo
          • Github gist
          • other URL
        • Drag and Drop
        • Files and Folders
      • Settings
        • Github token
        • KIE Sandbox Extended Services
        • OpenShift
        • Service Account
        • Service Registry
        • Streams for Apache Kafka
        • Feature Preview
          • Kogito Serverless Workflow Visualization
      • Editor

            tdavid@redhat.com Tomas David
            tdavid@redhat.com Tomas David
            Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
            Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
