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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-3655

Implement cells keyboard navigation and editing


    • 2022 Week 02-04 (from Jan 10), 2022 Week 05-07 (from Jan 31), 2022 Week 08-10 (from Feb 21), 2022 Week 11-13 (from Mar 14)


      Currently we have a navigation for regular cells:

      • move forward: Tab
      • move back: Shift + Tab

      Implement the arrow key navigation for regular cells.

      Acceptance criteria

      Tab/Shift tab Navigation works for

      Arrow Key Navigation works for

      There is a shortcut to

      • jump into nested expression
      • jump out from nested expression

      From user feedbacks:

      In view mode

      • Arrow keys should work for     navigation (they don't seem to currently)
      • Tab should move focus one cell to the right. At the last cell on a line tab should advance to the first row on the next line.
      • Shift-tab should move focus one cell to the left. It mostly does this.
      • Starting typing should automatically force the cell into edit mode. When the cell enters edit mode this way, it really means "replace" and it should assume the text is being replaced, not appended to. Currently is assumes the text should be edited and what is typed appends to the existing text.
      • How “Enter” behaves is maybe a bit more a personal preference. I think it is OK if it forces a cell into edit mode, but this is often the “F2” key.     When forced into edit mode this way it really means "edit",     the cursor should be at the end of the existing text ready to append     (similar to double-clicking does currently).

      In cell edit mode

      • Ctrl A should highlight all     text in the cell (works OK)
      • Tab should end editing and advance the focus to the next cell to the right. Currently it ends editing but you lose the focus rectangle and have to hit tab again to get it back. You can’t type “AA” tab “BB” to put AA in cell 1 and BB in cell 2, especially if there is already text in the cells.
      • Shift tab should end editing and move the focus to the previous cell. Right now it ends editing and focus is lost. It takes one shift-tab to get the focus back, and other to then navigate the focus.
      • Arrow keys should navigate     the text in the cell (which it does)
      • Escape should exit cell edit mode without applying the updates, and leave the focus on the cell. (which it does, but kind of loses the focus/no focus     rectangle)
      • Ctrl-Z should undo the last text change in the text box. (OK)

              fabrizio.antonangeli Fabrizio Antonangeli
              vpellegr Valentino Pellegrino (Inactive)
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
