Uploaded image for project: 'Kogito'
  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-3304

Review Image parsing in kogito cli


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 0.15.0
    • 0.14.0
    • Operator
    • None
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      1. Create and start the internal resgistry

      docker run \
          -d --restart=always -p "${reg_port}:5000" --name "${reg_name}" \

      2. Push service image in this registry

      docker push localhost:5000/kiegroup/process-business-rules-quarkus

      3. Deploy the service using kogito cli

      kogito  deploy-service process-business-rules-quarkus --image localhost:5000/kiegroup/process-business-rules-quarku

      4. You can see that the pod made by kogito runtime will be in `ErrImagePull` status.
      Describing the pod
      You'll be able to see the image name as

      Back-off pulling image "quay.io/kiegroup/localhost:5000"
      1. Create and start the internal resgistry docker run \ -d --restart=always -p "${reg_port}:5000" --name "${reg_name}" \ registry:2 2. Push service image in this registry docker push localhost:5000/kiegroup/process-business-rules-quarkus 3. Deploy the service using kogito cli kogito deploy-service process-business-rules-quarkus --image localhost:5000/kiegroup/process-business-rules-quarku 4. You can see that the pod made by kogito runtime will be in `ErrImagePull` status. Describing the pod You'll be able to see the image name as Back-off pulling image "quay.io/kiegroup/localhost:5000"
    • 2020 Week 37-39 (from Sep 7)

      When using an internal registry like `localhost:5000` and having your service image present in `localhost:5000/kiegroup/process-business-rules-quarkus`. When passing the this image as argument in --image flag the kogito cli converts the image as `quay.io/kiegroup/localhost:5000` and as result fails the kogito service

              rhn-support-zanini Ricardo Zanini
              tarkhand Tarun Khandelwal (Inactive)
              Karel Suta Karel Suta
              Karel Suta Karel Suta
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
