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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-2940

Wrong SOAPContentElement namespace prefix after multiple model transitions


      This was spotted because of JBPAPP-3785. Basically the problem is when moving from XML_VALID to DOM_VALID state of the model, the Native stack can end up with a wrong namespace assigned to the SOAPContentElement of the body. That's possible when a previous transition from OBJ_VALID to XML_VALID has caused JAXB to marshall the content to a new xml fragment that despite being equivalent to the original content has different namespace <--> prefix associations. When later moving to DOM_VALID, attributes are copied from the element obtained parsing the fragment to the container element. This breaks messages in some subtle cases because the SOAPContentElement prefix is not updated.

              rhn-support-asoldano Alessio Soldano
              mageshbk_jira Magesh Bojan (Inactive)
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