Uploaded image for project: 'JBoss Web Services'
  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-2220

jbossws-native-3.0.2 errata





      1. JBWS-1762 web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs fail
      2. JBWS-1797 Setting .NET friendly Endpoint in web.xml
      3. JBWS-1813 context-root from jboss.xml
      4. JBWS-1841 WebServiceRef injection from DD doesn't work
      5. JBWS-1911 Support the JMS transport with JAX-WS
      6. JBWS-2170 Fix embedded for maven build
        FIXME [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface
        FIXME JBWS-1665 incorrect wsdl generation
        FIXME JBWS-1772 WSConsume output is not correctly redirected
        FIXME JBWS-1773 Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume
        FIXME JBWS-2044 Rewrite Server side file system based RM store
        FIXME JBWS-751 Multiple schema imports with the same namespace
        FIXME JBWS-798 Complete EventingTestCase
        FIXME JBWS-981 Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints


      1. JBWS-1762 web.xml modified to web.xml.org - Subsequent runs fail
      2. JBWS-1797 Setting .NET friendly Endpoint in web.xml
      3. JBWS-1813 context-root from jboss.xml
      4. JBWS-1841 WebServiceRef injection from DD doesn't work
      5. JBWS-1911 Support the JMS transport with JAX-WS
      6. JBWS-2170 Fix embedded for maven build
        FIXME [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface
        FIXME JBWS-1665 incorrect wsdl generation
        FIXME JBWS-1772 WSConsume output is not correctly redirected
        FIXME JBWS-1773 Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume
        FIXME JBWS-2044 Rewrite Server side file system based RM store
        FIXME JBWS-751 Multiple schema imports with the same namespace
        FIXME JBWS-798 Complete EventingTestCase
        FIXME JBWS-981 Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints


      1. EJBTHREE-1152 service-ref in ejb-jar.xml is ignored
      2. JBAS-5114 MessageDriven EJB3 does not create destination automatically
      3. JBAS-5115 Valid jboss-app.xml file not recognized correctly by jbossxb runtime
      4. JBWS-2170 Fix embedded for maven build
      5. JBWS-2217 Fix BPEL samples before AS50 goes final
        FIXME [JBCTS-540] EJB3 proxy does not implement the Home interface
        FIXME JBWS-1312 Fix JMS transport in trunk
        FIXME JBWS-1397 Fix <wsdl-publish-location> for jboss-5.0.x
        FIXME JBWS-1665 incorrect wsdl generation
        FIXME JBWS-1773 Verify isolated classloading with WSConsume
        FIXME JBWS-2044 Rewrite Server side file system based RM store
        FIXME JBWS-751 Multiple schema imports with the same namespace
        FIXME JBWS-798 Complete EventingTestCase
        FIXME JBWS-981 Virtual host configuration for EJB endpoints




            tdiesler@redhat.com Thomas Diesler
            ropalka Richard Opalka
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue

