When I import build and deploy the IT Orders project from examples I can see following error in the server console:
13:00:35,791 ERROR [org.drools.core.xml.ExtensibleXmlParser] (default task-14) Process Info: id:itorders.orderhardware, pkg:org.jbpm.demo.itorders, name:Order for IT hardware, version:1.0 Node Info: id: name: Parser message: (null: 330, 31): cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'bpmn2:ioSpecification' is not complete. One of '{"http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL":inputSet, "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL":outputSet}' is expected.
- is related to
RHPAM-3480 Error logged if reusable subprocess has some dataInput mapping but no dataOutput mapping in stunner
- Closed