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  2. JBPM-7166

Stunner - [DMN Modeler] Dynamic Form Properties with nested hierarchy binds to wrong object/widget


    • 2018 Week 15-16, 2018 Week 42-44, 2018 Week 45-47

      The Dynamic Form generated from a nested object hierarchy binds objects/widgets to the incorrect instances. For example; the below classes define an Id form field that is used in both InputData (through inheritance) and InformationItem (through sub-form reference and inheritance). When changing the Id field (for example) in the InputData form property the "Id" value of the nested "Information Item" is updated.

      public abstract class DMNModelInstrumentedBase implements DMNDefinition {
          //No @FormFields etc
      public abstract class DMNElement extends DMNModelInstrumentedBase {
          protected Id id;
          @FormField(afterElement = "id")
          protected Label label;
          @FormField(afterElement = "label")
          protected Description description;
      public abstract class NamedElement extends DMNElement {
          @FormField(afterElement = "description")
          protected Name name;
      @FormDefinition(policy = FieldPolicy.ONLY_MARKED)
      public class InformationItem extends NamedElement implements DMNPropertySet {
          @FormField(afterElement = "name")
          protected QName typeRef;
      public abstract class DRGElement extends NamedElement {}
      @FormDefinition(policy = FieldPolicy.ONLY_MARKED)
      public class InputData extends DRGElement {
          @FormField(afterElement = "name")
          protected InformationItem variable;

              tdolphin-1 Tiago Dolphine (Inactive)
              manstis@redhat.com Michael Anstis
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
