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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-5750

Cannot disable registration of process event listeners


    • NEW
    • NEW

      It is not possible to disable registration of TaskCleanUpProcessEventListener, BAMTaskEventListener, and IdentityProviderAwareProcessListener in jBPM extension. The following three system properties have no effect when set to false:

      • org.jbpm.task.cleanup.enabled
      • org.jbpm.task.bam.enabled
      • org.jbpm.process.identity.enabled

      There are basically three problems here:

      1. They do not make it into the KieServerState because system properties are filtered and these three do not start with org.kie.server or org.kie.executor.
      2. Even if the first problem was fixed, they would still not be taken into account because they are retrieved from container configuration instead of context configuration.
      3. There is probably no good reason why they are stored as configuration properties and so they should be retrieved directly from system properties.

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              tlivora Tomáš Livora (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
