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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-5950

Need additional runtime checks for ESB & BPEL project examples


      While taking a look at adding runtime requirements to some of the other project examples for BPEL, ESB, and so on, it became apparent tha for now, you can only add requirements for a WTP Runtime, Seam Runtime, and plugin. For the ESB examples, I'd need to specify SOA-P 5.0 or EAP 5.0 + ESB 4.7. For the BPEL examples, I'd need to specify EAP 5.0 + ESB 4.7 + Riftsaw 2.0 or SOA-P 5.0 + Riftsaw 2.0.

      How would I do either using the "fix type="wtpruntime"" fix properties? Seems we'd need to implement additional runtime checks.

      (Snjeza, this is based on our e-mail conversation yesterday. Thanks in advance!)

              snjeza_jira Snjezana Peco (Inactive)
              bfitzpat_rh Brian Fitzpatrick (Inactive)
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