Uploaded image for project: 'Tools (JBoss Tools)'
  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-5645

Improve process for publishing Project Examples to download.jboss.org (was Missing requirements description for Project Examples)


      There are many project examples but missing requirement information.

      At least there should be detailed java and runtime information for each example to provide developers information howto make it running without lots of time spent with each example. For Example there is lot of complication when you want to run examples on SOA 5 and Sun JDK6.

      Maybe some examples reorganization according to runtime would be helpful as well.

        1. esb.png
          28 kB
        2. JBIDE-5645.patch
          13 kB
        3. project-examples-3.1.xml
          40 kB
        4. project-examples-3.1.xml_v2
          40 kB
        5. project-examples-jbds30.xml
          17 kB
        6. projectExamplesXml_update_4_ESB.zip
          10 kB

              jpeterka_jira Jiri Peterka (Inactive)
              jpeterka_jira Jiri Peterka (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
