Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
devex #147 April 2018
- ASSERT: have project camel-ose-springboot-xml imported to your workspace (from attached archive fuse-on-openshift)
- ASSERT: have a connection to https://console.starter-us-east-2.openshift.com with a project <username>-stage
- EXEC: deploy project camel-ose-springboot-xml project via fabric-8 maven plugin:
mvn clean install fabric8:deploy \ -Dkubernetes.master=https://console.starter-us-east-2.openshift.com \ -Dkubernetes.namespace=adietish-stage \ -Dkubernetes.auth.basic.username=<username> \ -Dkubernetes.auth.basic.password=<password> \ -Dfabric8.mode=openshift \ -Dkubernetes.trust.certificates=true \ -Dfabric8.build.strategy=s2i \ -Dkubernetes.auth.tryServiceAccount=false \ -Dfabric8.generator.from=fabric8/s2i-java \ -Dfabric8.generator.fromMode=docker \ -Dkubernetes.auth.tryKubeConfig=false
- ASSERT: you have a pod running for a service camel-ose-springboot-xml
- EXEC: create a server adapter for your service camel-ose-springboot-xml
- ASSERT: adapter starts automatically and starts to sync local project to OpenShift
RSync fails, you're told that the container has no strategy for syncing, neither rsync nor tar are available.
- is related to
JBIDE-25700 Server adapter: hot deploy of Spring Boot errors with permission issues when rsyncing local->pod (OS Online and CDK)
- Closed
JBIDE-26223 Server adapter: Error when starting server adapter: no rsync nor tar present in container
- Closed
- relates to
JBIDE-26223 Server adapter: Error when starting server adapter: no rsync nor tar present in container
- Closed