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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23903

Server adapter: waits endlessly if you dont unfold the project in the OpenShift explorer


    • devex #127 February 2017
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      1. ASSERT: have an OpenShift application running in OpenShift
      2. ASSERT: have the application imported to a workspace project
      3. ASSERT: have a server adapter to publish the workspace project to the OpenShift application
      4. EXEC: Restart your Eclipse (make sure that you did not unfold the OpenShift explorer connection/projects)
      5. EXEC: start your server adapter

      The server adapter waits endlessly in "Starting..."

      After some time, the adapter finally gives up presenting the following error:

      There's no Eclipse log entry that would unveil details, which I consider a bug, too. We should have this logged in Eclipse log to help investigating.

      ASSERT: have an OpenShift application running in OpenShift ASSERT: have the application imported to a workspace project ASSERT: have a server adapter to publish the workspace project to the OpenShift application EXEC: Restart your Eclipse (make sure that you did not unfold the OpenShift explorer connection/projects) EXEC: start your server adapter Result: The server adapter waits endlessly in "Starting..." After some time, the adapter finally gives up presenting the following error: There's no Eclipse log entry that would unveil details, which I consider a bug, too. We should have this logged in Eclipse log to help investigating.

          dbocharo@redhat.com Dmitrii Bocharov (Inactive)
          adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
          0 Vote for this issue
          4 Start watching this issue
