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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22363

Connection wizard: reenable opening embedded browser for oauth token on MacOS


    • devex #114 May 2016
    • 1
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      1. EXEC: launch connection wizard from OpenShift Explorer
      2. EXEC: create a new connection: use "OpenShift v3", some v3 server that's using oauth
      3. EXEC: hit "retrieve" link
      4. ASSERT: internal browser dialog is opened -> currently opens an external browser
      5. EXEC: authenticate
      6. ASSERT: token is displayed
      7. EXEC: try to mark and copy the token
      EXEC: launch connection wizard from OpenShift Explorer EXEC: create a new connection: use "OpenShift v3", some v3 server that's using oauth EXEC: hit "retrieve" link ASSERT: internal browser dialog is opened -> currently opens an external browser EXEC: authenticate ASSERT: token is displayed EXEC: try to mark and copy the token
    • Not Yet Documented

      With JBIDE-20464, retrieving the OAuth token on OSX was done in an external browser. It seems the original bug can't be reproduced in Neon (can't select the token when opening the Connection wizard from the OpenShift explorer). So we should revert the platform specific hack, to go back to a more consistent behavior across OSes

              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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