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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20464

Connection wizard: Cannot copy oauth token in browser on MacOS


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      1. EXEC: launch connection wizard from OpenShift Explorer
      2. EXEC: create a new connection: use "OpenShift v3", some v3 server that's using oauth
      3. EXEC: hit "retrieve" link
      4. ASSERT: browser dialog is opened
      5. EXEC: authenticate
      6. ASSERT: token is displayed
      7. EXEC: try to mark and copy the token

      You cannot mark anything in the browser dialog, the dialog wont react to clicks.

      EXEC: launch connection wizard from OpenShift Explorer EXEC: create a new connection: use "OpenShift v3", some v3 server that's using oauth EXEC: hit "retrieve" link ASSERT: browser dialog is opened EXEC: authenticate ASSERT: token is displayed EXEC: try to mark and copy the token Result: You cannot mark anything in the browser dialog, the dialog wont react to clicks.
    • On OSX, in the Connection wizard, when you click on the 'retrieve' link, the authentication token page opens in an external browser. It opens in an embedded browser widget, in a dialog window, for other OSes.
    • Not Yet Documented

      The problem doesn't exist on OSX when the Connection/Application wizard is opened from JBoss Central

              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
