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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21976

Order of project in New OS 3 Server Adapter wizard opened from context menu of a service


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      ASSERT: Have several projects under an OS 3 connection with an applications (services must be present)
      REPEAT: {
      EXEC: Open New OS 3 Server Adapter wizard from context menu of a service and check order of projects in the table.
      ASSERT: Check order of project listed in the wizard.

      RESULT: Order of project is various, undeterministic.
      EXPECTED RESULT: Order of project is same as in New OS 3 Server Wizard opened from Servers view.

      ASSERT: Have several projects under an OS 3 connection with an applications (services must be present) REPEAT: { EXEC: Open New OS 3 Server Adapter wizard from context menu of a service and check order of projects in the table. ASSERT: Check order of project listed in the wizard. } RESULT: Order of project is various, undeterministic. EXPECTED RESULT: Order of project is same as in New OS 3 Server Wizard opened from Servers view.

      When we are opening New OS 3 Server Adapter wizard from Servers view, projects are ordered. But opening the wizard from context menu of a service has undeterministic order of projects.

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
