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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21651

Create and use Mars.2 RC4 target platform


      Prepare new 4.52.x TPs to use Mars.2 bits.


      First RC4 bits should be available the week of 2/12 - 2/19, with 4.3.1.CR1 TP freeze day on Mar 1.

      Story points: 21 (fibonacci)

      • jbt tp,
      • jbds tp,
      • central tp;
      • jbt-build-sites,
      • jbds site build
      • update install/matrix jobs to use new Eclipse JEE/platform binary
      • mailing list announcements

        1. p2diff_450x_jbds_summary.txt
          1 kB
          Nick Boldt
        2. p2diff_450x_jbds.txt
          5 kB
          Nick Boldt
        3. p2diff_450x_jbt_summary.txt
          1 kB
          Nick Boldt
        4. p2diff_450x_jbt.txt
          5 kB
          Nick Boldt
        5. p2diff_452x_jbds_summary.txt
          1 kB
          Nick Boldt
        6. p2diff_452x_jbds.txt
          29 kB
          Nick Boldt
        7. p2diff_452x_jbt_summary.txt
          1 kB
          Nick Boldt
        8. p2diff_452x_jbt.txt
          29 kB
          Nick Boldt

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
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