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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20947 For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1: Prepare for future Beta1
  3. JBIDE-20949

For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1: Prepare for future Beta1 [Central Discovery]


      For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1 [Central Discovery]: Please perform the following tasks:

      If you expect to be doing 4.3.x maintenance work in your component:

      1a. In your 4.3.x branch, ensure your component features/plugins have been properly upversioned, eg., from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 (if planning minor changes).

      mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.23.1:set-version -DnewVersion=4.3.1-SNAPSHOT

      1b. Make sure your master branch has a higher version (eg., 4.3.100 or 4.4.0) than what you set in the previous step. If you already bumped your master branch for 4.4.0.Alpha1 prep, DO NOT bump it again. (This is just a reminder.)

      2a. In your 4.3.x branch ONLY, update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.3.1.Beta1-SNAPSHOT;


      2b. If your project has an all-tests/pom.xml (Aerogear, Base, Central, JavaEE, Server) please ensure you have bumped that file too, and that it refers to the correct parent pom version you used above.

      3. In your 4.3.x branch ONLY, ensure you've built & run your tests using the latest target platform version 4.51.1.CR1-SNAPSHOT;

      mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.51.1.CR1-SNAPSHOT

      4. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.

      If, on the other hand, you do NOT expect to be doing maintenance in your component, please let Nick know via @-mention in this JIRA so he can pull a stable release of your component to use in future 4.3.x builds INSTEAD of including new CI builds.

      Search for all task JIRA, or Search for Central Discovery task JIRA

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
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