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Beta 4.3.1 N&N for OpenShift should state that while the CDK is treated as a server, runtime detection is not possibleJBIDE-21342
[CDK] multiple duplicate docker connections created after multiple startsJBIDE-21335
CDK stuck on Starting state when you forget to enter credentialsJBIDE-21334
OpenShift 3 Server Adapter : deployment path always overwritten by "/opt/app-root/src"JBIDE-21330
versionwatch should ignore latest symlinks when loading new installers against which to compareJBIDE-21329
OpenShift Server Adapter : source path not reset when switching projectsJBIDE-21327
[CDK] Check TLS_VERIFY flag after most recent openshift-vagrant cdk box updatesJBIDE-21325
Connection wizard: trying to login with expired token causes 2nd, nested connection dialogJBIDE-21318
OpenShift 2 Server Adapter contains label "... at OpenShift 3"JBIDE-21317
EA enablement status is not propagated to first page of CentralJBIDE-21313
No web console URL for connection, project and resourcesJBIDE-21306
"untrusted ssl certificate" dialog ask to Accept or Deny but buttons say No and YesJBIDE-21305
Include Docker tooling 1.2.0.Final in TPJBIDE-21296
failure in org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test - could not install-eap-seam-genJBIDE-21295
Server Adpater: implement Show in > Web Browser worksJBIDE-21284
compare baselines failing in 4.3.x branch for aggregate site builds (central and EA)JBIDE-21282
For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]JBIDE-21281
For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1: Code Freeze + Branch [Central]JBIDE-21280
For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1: Code Freeze + Branch [Freemarker]JBIDE-21279
For JBIDE 4.3.1.Beta1: Code Freeze + Branch [Arquillian]
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