Feature Request
Resolution: Done
Sprint #2 April 2015, Sprint #3 May 2015, Sprint #4 May 2015
- blocks
JBDS-3306 Create Deployment from Template
- Closed
- is blocked by
JBIDE-19572 Explorer: Replace ImageRepositories with ImageStream
- Closed
OSJC-145 Add ability to process a template
- Closed
OSJC-154 Add capability for a project to process and apply a template
- Closed
OSJC-158 Modify capability visitor to allow return value
- Closed
OSJC-159 Projects should return their name for namespace
- Closed
OSJC-160 Get the status field from the Status Kind
- Closed
OSJC-155 Fix retrieving label on a resource and template.getParameter to return empty string when undefined
- Closed
JBIDE-19832 Templates in OpenShift new app wizard flow does not display templates unless they have a 'tags' annotation
- Closed
JBIDE-19689 Add isWarning to JobUtils
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-19010 As a user, I want to create OpenShift resources that support an existing “deployment” that does not require source code from a template
- Closed
JBIDE-19815 Application wizard: As I a user I want to use a template from my local disk to create a new application
- Closed
JBIDE-19827 Can't create OpenShift resources from dockerbuild or custombuild template in jbt
- Closed
- relates to
OSJC-144 As a user I want to list templates
- Closed