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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18813

Convert JBoss Central to an HTML5 page


      Central Page requires new capabilities :

      • needs more customization (display content depending on user preferences)
      • needs to scale with JBDS-IS, Fuse content
      • access to more examples, with filtering capabilities

      Given that the existing page is pretty hard to maintain and suffers from scalability/UI bugs, we're heading towards an HTML5 approach :

      • use an embedded SWT Browser widget (or Java FX), depending on the platform compatibility
      • webpage and its content could be served remotely (as zip), and downloaded locally for offline use. this would give us more flexibility to update the content.

        1. Central Design Concept A.bmml
          18 kB
        2. Central Design Concept A.bmml
          23 kB
        3. Central Design Concept B.bmml
          12 kB
        4. Central Design Concept B.bmml
          12 kB
        5. Central Design Concept B.png
          Central Design Concept B.png
          125 kB
        6. Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 4.38.58 PM.png
          Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 4.38.58 PM.png
          331 kB
        7. JBoss Access Panel Concept.bmml
          3 kB
        8. JBoss Access Panel Concept.png
          JBoss Access Panel Concept.png
          298 kB
        9. JBoss Central User Stories and Flows.gliffy
          263 kB
        10. Design concept C - Search centric layout.bmml
          23 kB
        11. Design concept C - Search centric layout.png
          Design concept C - Search centric layout.png
          216 kB
        12. Design Concept D - categories across top.bmml
          43 kB
        13. Design Concept D - categories across top.bmml
          43 kB
        14. Design Concept D - categories across top.png
          Design Concept D - categories across top.png
          198 kB
        15. Central Design Concept A.bmml
          43 kB
        16. Central Design Concept A.png
          Central Design Concept A.png
          289 kB
        17. Central design concept E.bmml
          35 kB
        18. Central design concept E.png
          Central design concept E.png
          245 kB
        19. JBossCentral_DesignC_HighFidelity_InitialState.png
          316 kB
        20. JBossCentral_DesignC_HighFidelity_SearchState.png
          313 kB
        21. JBossCentral_DesignC_HighFidelity_SmallScreen_InitialState.png
          139 kB
        22. JBossCentral_DesignC_HighFidelity_SmallScreen_SearchState.png
          139 kB
        23. JBossCentral_DesignC_HighFidelity_SmallScreen_StarterHover.png
          141 kB
        24. JBossCentral_DesignC_HighFidelity_StarterHover.png
          319 kB

              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
