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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-14083

CordovaSim: create a launch configuration


      Launch configurations is the conventional way to run applications in Eclipse. The idea of the feature proposal is to create a specific launch configuration allowing to run Cordova enabled projects in CordovaSim.

      The launch configuration might have the following attributes:

      1. Root folder (e.g. /myProject/www)
      2. Start page (e.g. index.html)
      3. Port number for embedded Jetty server (e.g. 4400). This port will be visible in the BrowserSim address bar.

      The launch configuration might be automatically configured for:

      1. Projects with the JBoss Tools Cordova nature which has www/index.html.
      2. Projects with the Android nature which has assets/www/index.html.
      3. Any .html file selected by the user.
      4. Any folder selected by the user if it has an index.html in it.

              yradtsevich Yahor Radtsevich (Inactive)
              yradtsevich Yahor Radtsevich (Inactive)
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