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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-14079

Weinre in browsersim slow/not-informative


      BrowerSim weinre seems to load very slowly and there is just a big white dialog shown while it do so.

      I initially thought it was broken but after 4-5 attempts it suddenly showed up.

      Problem is users has no idea what is actually going on.

      Could we:

      A) show a progress monitor (even a fake one would be useful)

      B) show what url the dialog is visiting (that gives a hint it is waiting)

      C) have a link/info button explaining you can configure weinre in preferences

      Ca) have a dialog pop up on initial start of weinre explaining it will inject weinre and go to client url X which can be configured in the preferences...and then a "Do not ask me again" checkbox for future usage.

            kmarmaliykov Konstantin Marmalyukov (Inactive)
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
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