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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13806

OpenShift console does not show the maven build logs anymore


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      1. ASSERT: make sure you have an OpenShift application imported to your workspace along with the server adapter created.
      2. EXEC: change some file
      3. EXEC: in Servers view, choose its server adapter and pick Publish from the context menu.

      The console with the push log is not opened

      Expected result:
      After the push/publish is finished, the console with the output should be shown to the user.

      ASSERT: make sure you have an OpenShift application imported to your workspace along with the server adapter created. EXEC: change some file EXEC: in Servers view, choose its server adapter and pick Publish from the context menu. Result: The console with the push log is not opened Expected result: After the push/publish is finished, the console with the output should be shown to the user.
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      use tail files before you push. You'll spot the changes that happen on the PaaS

      use tail files before you push. You'll spot the changes that happen on the PaaS
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      The server adapter for OpenShift allows you to publish your local changes to OpenShift. It pops up the console after publishing so that you can have a detailed look at what happened when pushing. In Alpha1 the console was not shown any more. We fixed this for Alpha2.
      The server adapter for OpenShift allows you to publish your local changes to OpenShift. It pops up the console after publishing so that you can have a detailed look at what happened when pushing. In Alpha1 the console was not shown any more. We fixed this for Alpha2.

      The OpenShift tooling does not show the maven build logs after some changes were published on openshift.

      The workaround is to tail log files to see the app server activity (and see when the app is redeployed)

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            xcoulon@redhat.com Xavier Coulon
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