Feature Request
Resolution: Done
- EXEC: launch OpenShift Application wizard and create a new application / import existing one
- ASSERT: you get the OpenShift application imported to your workspace
- EXEC: in Servers view, select the adapter for your OpenShift application and pick Publish from its context menu
The adapter tells you that there are no local changes. If you look at your local project you'll see in the git-decoration that the local git repo is ahead of 1 commit of the remote, so there is a local commit that could be pushed/published.
Expected result:
The adapter should tell you that there are local changes and ask you if you want to publish them.
- duplicates
JBIDE-12802 The are no local changes in
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-13075 Openshift Wizard should ask "would you like to push your project"?
- Closed
- relates to
JBIDE-13806 OpenShift console does not show the maven build logs anymore
- Closed