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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13401

Cannot binary deploy to EWS OpenShift application out of the box


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      • ASSERT: You have account on OpenShift
      • EXEC: Create OpenShift Application via OpenShift wizard, use EWS as Application type
      • EXEC: Create another web application (e.g. from JBoss Central, etc. )
      • EXEC: Try to binary deploy the 2nd app to the OpenShift EWS application

      Server <app> OpenShift Server cannot publish. Required folder "<app>/deployments" is missing or inaccessible.

      ASSERT: You have account on OpenShift EXEC: Create OpenShift Application via OpenShift wizard, use EWS as Application type EXEC: Create another web application (e.g. from JBoss Central, etc. ) EXEC: Try to binary deploy the 2nd app to the OpenShift EWS application Result: Server <app> OpenShift Server cannot publish. Required folder "<app>/deployments" is missing or inaccessible.
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      Change the deployments dir in server adapter to 'webapps'

      Change the deployments dir in server adapter to 'webapps'

      EWS application type uses for deployments folder 'webapps' instead of 'deployments' as JBoss AS7/EAP6. The Server Adapter sets directory for deployments to <app>/deployments but in this case it is <app>/webapps.

              adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
              sbunciak-rh Stefan Bunciak
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
