Resolution: Done
This job needs to be tied to multiple git repos:
For an example of how to do a job w/ multiple git repos as source, see this one:
NOTE: You must set three advanced fields (each SCM entry has TWO Advanced buttons when configuring in the browser) for each repo to avoid collisions when fetching:
If you want to edit the config.xml file offline, the code looks like this, eg., for the jbosstools-base repo (which replaces common, tests, usage, and runtime):
<hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM> <configVersion>2</configVersion> <userRemoteConfigs> <hudson.plugins.git.UserRemoteConfig> <name/> <refspec/> <url>git://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-base.git</url> </hudson.plugins.git.UserRemoteConfig> </userRemoteConfigs> <branches> <hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec> <name>origin/master</name> </hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec> </branches> <disableSubmodules>false</disableSubmodules> <recursiveSubmodules>false</recursiveSubmodules> <doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations>false</doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations> <authorOrCommitter>false</authorOrCommitter> <clean>false</clean> <wipeOutWorkspace>false</wipeOutWorkspace> <pruneBranches>false</pruneBranches> <remotePoll>false</remotePoll> <ignoreNotifyCommit>false</ignoreNotifyCommit> <buildChooser class="hudson.plugins.git.util.DefaultBuildChooser"/> <gitTool>Default</gitTool> <submoduleCfg class="list"/> <relativeTargetDir>sources/base</relativeTargetDir> <reference/> <excludedRegions/> <excludedUsers/> <gitConfigName/> <gitConfigEmail/> <skipTag>false</skipTag> <includedRegions/> <scmName>base</scmName> </hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM>
You can also set filters to only watch the repo (when deciding when to build automatically) for specific paths instead of the whole repo:
For a complete list of the new merged repos, see:
- blocks
JBIDE-12828 migrate JBT & JBDS jobs to use new github repos
- Closed