Resolution: Done
For first the trunk jobs, then AFTER Beta1 is released the stable_branch jobs, the following must be done.
Work to start Oct 22
- [Max] For every repo moved - svn delete in trunk, put Readme with pointer.
- [Nick] Open branch 4.0.0.Beta1 for writes, keep trunk locked down. [DONE]
- [Nick] create root poms for chunk repos; for N:1 "chunk" repos (base, server, javaee, central): merge jbosstools-base/[as,archives,jmx]/site/* into jbosstools-base/site/* - one site w/ all features on it [DONE]
- - https://github.com/nickboldt/temp-jbosstools-javaee, https://github.com/nickboldt/temp-jbosstools-base, https://github.com/nickboldt/temp-jbosstools-server, https://github.com/nickboldt/temp-jbosstools-central DONE
- [Nick] merge stuff from the above temp-* repos into the new actual repos [DONE]
- [Nick/Mickael] switch trunk jobs to source from github instead of svn [DONE]
- [Nick/Mickael] Change jbosstools composite http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/staging/_composite_/core/ sites to point at "server" update site folder instead of as, archives, and jmx when building JBT aggregate site
- [Nick] make sure all jobs (including rsync for download.jboss.org) are updated to fetch from git instead of svn [DONE]
- [Nick/Mickael] make sure all refs to promote.sh, jbosstools-cleanup.sh, promote.sh are pointed at github instead of svn
- for 1:1 individual repos: no change needed for ./site/ folder [DONE]
(see also http://ether-man.rhcloud.com/p/build.next )
- is blocked by
JBIDE-12944 migrate installer tests to use new directory structure (git) and new published sites; ensure jobs are doing what they say they are
- Resolved
JBIDE-12945 Migrate jbosstools-docs-nightly job to use git sources instead of svn
- Closed
JBIDE-12946 add code coverage support to jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests; make job yellow when tests fail, not red
- Closed
JBIDE-12947 test failure in org.jboss.tools.drools.ui.bot.test causes soa tooling tests site to fail to build
- Closed
JBIDE-12993 Cleanup/create plain checkout.sh script for jbosstools repos from github
- Closed
JBIDE-12986 due to refactoring of tests module & migration to git, installer tests broken
- Closed
JBIDE-13032 update contributor guide for github use
- Closed
- is related to
JBIDE-12925 missing empty folders after migration of hibernatetools (svn) to jbosstools-hibernate (git)
- Closed
JBIDE-12926 missing empty folders after migration of esb (svn) to jbosstools-esb (git)
- Closed
JBIDE-12914 Use Tycho 0.16
- Closed