Resolution: Won't Do
Workaround Exists
After trying to Commit & Push i get: master: master [rejected - non-fast-forward]
Repository ssh://500881bf89dc482298bebb43ea15fbdf@html-rhtestdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/html.git/
After publishing via server adapter (no Maven build triggered):
Repository ssh://500881bf89dc482298bebb43ea15fbdf@html-rhtestdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/html.git/ Stopping application... Done ~/git/html.git ~/git/html.git ~/git/html.git Emptying tmp dir: /var/lib/stickshift/500881bf89dc482298bebb43ea15fbdf/html/jbossas-7/standalone/tmp/auth Emptying tmp dir: /var/lib/stickshift/500881bf89dc482298bebb43ea15fbdf/html/jbossas-7/standalone/tmp/vfs Emptying tmp dir: /var/lib/stickshift/500881bf89dc482298bebb43ea15fbdf/html/jbossas-7/standalone/tmp/work Starting application... Done
Output of the server.log (used the Tail files option from OpenShift Explorer):
2012/06/19 09:41:23,904 INFO [org.jboss.as.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS014774: Service status report JBAS014777: Services which failed to start: service jboss.server.deployment.scanner.default: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.server.deployment.scanner.default: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JBAS015053: /var/lib/stickshift/500881bf89dc482298bebb43ea15fbdf/html/jbossas-7/standalone/deployments does not exist 2012/06/19 09:41:23,983 ERROR [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015875: JBoss AS 7.1.0.Final "Thunder" started (with errors) in 32395ms - Started 168 of 283 services (1 services failed or missing dependencies, 111 services are passive or on-demand)
But git project (jboss-kithensink) from [git://github.com/openshift/kitchensink-example.git] works fine. What's the difference? Probably their repo layout.
- is related to
JBIDE-12112 Not able to merge git-versioned and OpenShift application
- Closed
JBIDE-12138 serveradapter is git forcing without asking when error occurs in normal git commit
- Closed
- relates to
JBIDE-12121 Application wizard: the openshift profile is added to newly created maven projects, regardless of their packaging type
- Closed
JBIDE-12459 Application wizard: git repository for imported project is not detected correctly if it is in some parent folder
- Closed