When attempting to import JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final, checked out from git, as a Maven project into JBoss Developer Studio 5.0 beta 3 on an x64 Fedora machine with JDK7, JBoss Developer Studio becomes unresponsive partway through the import. It sometimes then fails with an error message, and sometimes just ends up stuck in what appears to be some kind of infinite loop until killed.
I haven't installed any add-ons or extras, it's stock JBoss Developer Studio 5.0 Beta 3.
I've tried increasing the memory parameters from the already generous initial allocations to:
with no improvement. I have 8GB to play with so I'll be throwing a ridiculous amount of RAM at and trying again, but this should not be necessary in any case, not just to import a maven project, even a big one.
All I'm trying to do is import AS7 so I can add the AS7 project to the source search path when debugging a test case that's triggering a bug in AS7, so I don't have to manually add each and every source jar from as7 to my source search path. This seemed like the easy way to do it.
- is blocked by
MODULES-136 When JBoss Modules are used as a library causes FactoryConfigurationError
- Resolved
- relates to
JBDS-2188 Pick up latest m2e-apt build in JBDS installer
- Resolved