Resolution: Done
MBeanUtils contains utilities to convert a string (typed into the editor) into a proper object needed to send over the wire via JMX. They provide support for all primitive types, and most wrapper types (java.lang.Double, etc). It seems java.lang.Boolean was missing from this class.
This class has been unchanged since the initial import of jmx utilities from the Jeff Mesnil codebase, so it would appear to be a long-standing bug.
This bug is replicatable in as7.1 / eap6. using the shutdown jmx command, which requires java.lang.Boolean, will fail. This jmx command can be found as follows:
1) Create as7.1 server or eap6 server
2) start the server
3) verify the server is expandable in mbean explorer
4) expand jboss.as, browse down to Server (near the bottom)
5) double-click "server"
6) find the shutdown operation, click on it
7) in the parameter section, fill the text box with "true"
8) click submit
9) notice a failure.
- is blocked by
JBIDE-11064 JMX Connections to as7 errors out and is not usable at all.
- Closed