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- JBIDE-11908
Update html5 M4 archetype release in JBoss Central - JBIDE-11840
Connectors are not available: SOA-P Tooling - JBIDE-11827
Listen on all interfaces doesn't work (again) for remote AS7 - JBIDE-11801
something is looking for GWT 2.6, but 2.5.1 is on TP and composite reqs site - JBIDE-11786
Impossible to create new projects from JBoss Central. - JBIDE-11785
jbosstools-3.3_stable_branch.continuous failing to compile -- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded - JBIDE-11779
Spring MVC Project not working with WFK 2.0.0.ER4 maven repo - JBIDE-11775
Make org.jboss.tools.project.examples point at project-examples-shared-3.3.Beta3.xml - JBIDE-11772
Update to 7.1.1.Beta1 of the JBoss AS archetypes - JBIDE-11765
CLONE - JBoss Central N&N - JBIDE-11763
CLONE - OpenShift description in N&N - JBIDE-11762
Forge Component N&N - JBIDE-11761
Maven Integration in JBT 3.3.0 Beta 3 N&N - JBIDE-11760
CLONE - Project Examples in N&N - JBIDE-11759
CLONE - Teiid Designer N&N - JBIDE-11758
CLONE - Modeshape Component N&N - JBIDE-11756
CLONE - WS Component N&N - JBIDE-11755
Visual Editor Component N&N - JBIDE-11754
Seam Component N&N - JBIDE-11753
JST/JSF Components N&N
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