Please add runtime modifiable WORKER_IO_THREADS in xnio.
Based on research done by tomazcerar in JBEAP-7351 we need runtime modifiable WORKER_IO_THREADS in xnio to be able to dynamically change value of the attribute.
Main goal of JBEAP-7351 is to be able to increase size of io-threads or task-max-threads without "reload-required".
2018-02-08: scope changes to Ability to change task-core-threads/task-max-threads without a reload, separate tracker for io-threads
- blocks
JBEAP-7351 IO subsystem requires reload when increasing size of io-threads or task-max-threads
- Closed
- is cloned by
XNIO-287 Add runtime modifiable WORKER_IO_THREADS in xnio
- Open
- relates to
JBEAP-14209 Ability to change io-threads without a reload
- Closed