Resolution: Done
This looks like a bug in that the JMX is not responding with the same as the CLI.
unzip -d $JBOSS_HOME/ reproducer-overlay.zip ./bin/standalone.sh ./run-test.sh
From JMX, it is not seeing an array under methods, it is returning CompositeDataSupport with 3 keys execution-time , invocations and wait-time all null. To match the CLI output, methods would need to return an another CompositeDataSupport where the key is the method name and its value is another CompositeDataSupport that has keys: execution-time , invocations and wait-time with the correct values.
methods: javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataSupport(compositeType=javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType(name=Complex type,items=((itemName=execution-time,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)),(itemName=invocations,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)),(itemName=wait-time,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)))),contents={execution-time=null, invocations=null, wait-time=null}) methods.getCompositeType: javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType(name=Complex type,items=((itemName=execution-time,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)),(itemName=invocations,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)),(itemName=wait-time,itemType=javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType(name=java.lang.String)))) key: execution-time value: null key: invocations value: null key: wait-time value: null
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /deployment=ejb-client.jar/subsystem=ejb3/stateless-session-bean=Hello:read-resource(recursive=true, include-runtime=true) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "component-class-name" => "Hello", "declared-roles" => [], "execution-time" => 5L, "invocations" => 20L, "methods" => { "sayHello" => { "execution-time" => 5L, "invocations" => 10L, "wait-time" => 36L }, "goodbye" => { "execution-time" => 0L, "invocations" => 10L, "wait-time" => 3L } },
- blocks
JBEAP-20007 [GSS](7.3.z) WFLY-13651 - EJB Stats MBeans do not return method stats via JMX, but does via CLI
- Closed
- causes
JBEAP-20205 [QE](7.3.z) WFCORE-5136 - NPE in ModelControllerMBeanHelper
- Closed
- clones
WFCORE-5037 Attributes of type Object with complex value types don't work if they are a map
- Closed
- incorporates
WFCORE-5037 Attributes of type Object with complex value types don't work if they are a map
- Closed
WFLY-13651 Make AbstractEJBComponentResourceDefinition.METHODS an ObjectMapAttributeDefinition (rather than ObjectListAD)
- Closed