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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-17323

[QA](7.2.z) Shutdown of server with remote JCA MDB hangs


      We have following scenario:

      • 2 EAP instances (nodeA, nodeB)
      • nodeB has a MDB deployed, that consumes messages from an InQueue on nodeA and resends them to an OutQueue also on nodeA
      • during the MDB processing of messages, nodeA is killed (actually killed, not a clean shutdown)

      After that nodeB hangs when trying to shut it down and has to be killed.
      This is a regression against 7.2.3.CR2 with Artemis 2.7.0.redhat-00057

        1. node-2-thread-dump-before-kill-shutdown-sequence.txt
          247 kB
          Peter Mackay
        2. node-2-thread-dump-when-killed-shutdown-sequence.txt
          247 kB
          Peter Mackay
        3. server-trace.log
          47.24 MB
          Peter Mackay

              ehugonne1@redhat.com Emmanuel Hugonnet
              pmackay@redhat.com Peter Mackay
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
