Same issue as it was at 7.2.0.Beta -
The issue has been created in order not to forget to update versions for CD14 documentation.
The following content has been copied from the mentioned issue.
the documentation obviously has an old version 7.1.0.GA at following places:
- unzipped repository path/directory names (2.1.3 section, Example: Maven Settings File)
- checksums.txt ( section)
- artifacts version (2.3.3 section, Dependency Management, JBoss EAP Client BOMs, etc.)
- other places.
Also at 2.3.3 section (Supported Maven Artifacts):
- the hibernate-core now has a newer version.
- jboss-eap-javaee7 (jboss-javaee-7.0 in the past) artifact in JBoss EAP Java EE Specs BOM part also needs version update (a newer 1.1.2.Final-redhat-xxxx version for org.jboss.spec is available and for it is 7.2.0.CD14).
- replace old jboss-javaee-7.0 artifact id with jboss-eap-javaee7
- note followed by Table 2.1 has an wrong artifact id - jboss-javaee7-eap.
- clones
JBEAP-15146 Chapter 2. "Using Maven..." needs EAP and artifacts version update
- Closed